Judy joined the calls, watched the videos, engaged in conversations, followed the steps but her business never quite took off.
Carola also did these things. She got amazing results and her business became a success.
These 2 women represent the hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve coached over the years.
The difference between them is how they approach building their business.
Here are the top 5 things they do differently:
1. They consistently seek out feeling uncomfortable.
That emotional discomfort is a signal to follow because they know that’s where growth begins
They do the uncomfortable things like ask for critical feedback, show up even when it’s boring, admit what they don’t know, are willing to be a beginner and suck at something etc.
2. They don’t put up blocks
They won’t say things like: I don’t want to do social media. I hate sales. I don’t want to do 1:1 calls.
They keep an open mind because they know that they can do things in a way that feels right for them, even if at first they’re not sure about it.
3. They're generous
They don’t resent giving a lot of content for free. They’re happy to help those people who will never become clients because there are always more than enough who will.
They look for ways to support their peers and celebrate their successes.
4. They embrace structure
They know that structure is leverage even if they first resisted it.
It’s through structure (routines, time blocks, systems) that they can focus and do the things that matter most.
5. They surround themselves with people like them
They are intentional about the people they work with - clients, mentors and fellow entrepreneurs.
They look for the people who also do the 5 things on this list.
No program, coach, or course can give you results if you don’t also work on how you approach the work. And that’s often the hardest part.