Lynn Rivest 🚢
Founder, minimalist biz | I talk about building a minimalist business in midlife and aging boldly while doing it.
2y ago
Building a Minimalist Business
Lynn Rivest 🚢

In November, I quit working as a contractor for other online entrepreneurs.

I finally took the leap to do my own thing.

Since 2013, I’ve worked as a business manager, coach, strategist and right hand in a number of small businesses. 

It was a great training ground because I was involved in nearly every aspect of these businesses. And I got to be part of growing one business in particular to multiple million dollars.  

What I learned is that a business can quickly become quite the beast with a ton of moving pieces. So much software, subscriptions, courses, coaches, strategies, new initiatives can become overwhelming. You may not even see it coming.

Some people, I’m told, thrive in chaos. I am not one of those people. 

And I’m not convinced that this is really the case. I think some people thrive despite the chaos. 

So I documented processes and thought about what it would take to create and build a simple yet effective and profitable business. Which elements were necessary and which were not. How was any one thing contributing to the business?

And now I’ve started my own minimalist biz.

I’m still working through exactly what I want to offer but here’s what I know so far about my approach:

  • A minimalist biz is focused on intentional growth, is values-aligned, puts people first (you, your clients, your helpers), and is guided by simplicity and clarity 

  • I want to work with midlife women entrepreneurs because that’s where I am

  • I want to share how I’m building a minimalist biz as I help others do the same

What I especially love about branding my business as minimalist biz is that it forces me to walk the talk. To keep things simple even when it’s easier to keep adding and make things more complicated.


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