Guess what? Without clients, you don’t make money.
And without money, you don’t have a business. This is obvious but stops up many new (and not-so-new) business owners. The women I’ve worked with often say they don’t like making sales. That it feels gross.
But this post isn’t about dealing with that belief.
Over and above our feelings about selling, there’s another, more insidious issue that can keep us stuck when building a business.
It’s hard to say “I want to make money.”
Can you confidently say it, without any rationalization?
“I want to make money.”
If you’re like me, there’s a gnawing feeling, a twinge of discomfort whenever you say this to someone (if you do at all).
It usually sounds more like “I mean, I want to make money. I admit it.” What is there to admit? What’s the guilt behind this? How dare I assert such a capitalist and selfish notion!
Screw working on your mindset.
You can do some mindset work around your beliefs about money. Where you pull apart all your stories about why money is bad so you can see where they came from and change your perspective. I’ve done some of that work.
But there is only one thing that will help me change my guilty desire for money…
It’s to make money. Consistently.
That’s the only way to know you won’t turn into a rich douchebag.
Evolving and growing is uncomfortable.
So I’ll be uncomfortable every step of the way as I work to get clients. And then I’ll deliver great results and get paid. Repeat this process and actually make good money.
My values won’t suddenly disappear.
I won’t unknowingly turn into a douchebag. I’ll be intentional about how I use that money. I’ll do everything I can to use it in a way that helps others and not just me.
It feels uncomfortable writing this so I know I’m on the right track.