Long Term Vs. Short Term Affiliate Marketing
Mark Thompson | 30 Minute Marketer

On the face of it, affiliate Marketing is Simple.

• Get a link
• Show Link To Strangers
• Make Money

What could be easier!

Well if you want to make a long-term income from affiliate marketing then you need to approach things from a different angle.

There are 2 Types of Affiliate Marketer the Long Term Affiliate Marketer and the Short Term Affiliate Marketer.

Short Term Affiliate Marketing

Each day the short-term affiliate marketer will create tweets or posts promoting products. Often these are competing products.

If they are lucky they will generate a few hundred dollars a month.

The trouble with this type of marketing is that every day is a fresh start

They must start over with the promotions day after day.

The only result short-term marketers want is a quick sale and money in the bank.

Long Term Affiliate Marketing

Long Term Affiliate Marketers take a different approach. They don't seek the short-term buzz of a quick sale they put long-term assets in place.

Instead of promotional Tweets & posts, they'll create educational ones. They'll also take time to create valuable reports, guides and mini-courses.

These assets will educate, build email lists and educate the subscribers about the benefits of the products they promote.

The assets they put in place can generate income for years to come.

It takes more work and effort and the rewards are slower but instead of $100 here and there $5k - $10k months can be the norm.

Which type of affiliate marketer are you?

I'd recommend taking the long-term approach, I generated $6K while in hospital unable to work earlier this year.


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