Martin Vanags
A futurist, flow hacker, economic developer, advisor, coach and climate activist seeking balance between what want and what we need.
3y ago
Martin Vanags

Three simple steps to beat down that which is defeating you.

Are you a procrastinator? If you procrastinate, have you identified the reason you tend to put things off. For most people, they procrastinate for one or more of these several reasons:

CONFRONTATION. One might be that you do not like confrontation or discord, therefore you put things off hoping conditions change. Once they do, then you will start on your project. 

FEAR. Perhaps you are fearful. Fearful of criticism, of ridicule. Procrastinators put things off because they fear if they move forward with the project or idea that they will be made to look stupid or critisized for what they have attempted to accomplish.

CONFIDENCE. Sometimes it is a lack of confidence or lack of self-esteem that causes one to procrastinate. One feels they don’t have the skills or knowledge to get the job done. Someone else has a better feel for what needs to be done.

Think about these ideas for a second. does any of this make sense? You are a rational being. Here is the plan:

  1. Confront, carefully and with love.

  2. Thank people for their criticism. Tell them how much it will help you.

  3. You have all the skills you will ever need. If not you, then who?

You can do it. I know you can.


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