matthew freeman
Father to a five-year-old, a chiropractor, runner, and swimmer. I'll be writing about my experiences and what I learn.
2y ago

In 2011 I read Christopher Mcdougalls 'Born to Run', not only did this inspire me to take my running much further but also set me in a footwear direction that has physically and philosophically changed me.

I purchased my first pair of minimal foot-shaped footwear in 2012 and since then have almost exclusively worn this type of shoe. My feet have gone up a size, are stronger and I have had fewer lower limb injuries from running even though I have run more.

The myth that we need to protect and support our feet with padded stiff footwear is no longer a reality. Our feet are perfectly capable of getting stronger and coping with a huge amount if we care for them appropriately.

Don't run before you can walk

Most people want to run in minimal shoes because they have heard it is good for them. However, starting here can lead to injury.

Start by wearing your shoes during everyday activities, changing your gait takes time, and running can come later. Your feet will likely ache, this is normal like trying a new workout, your feet will be working harder, and in time they'll get stronger.

Take care of your feet massage the muscles, mobilise the joints, roll them on a ball, I like to use a tennis ball or firm rubber dog ball. Treat them as you would your legs if you are doing more squats.

Get off road Walking on hard flat surfaces all day is not what our feet were designed for. There are 33 joints and over 100 different tissues, go walking on uneven surfaces like trails and beaches, ideally completely barefoot to build strength and mobility.

Slow down Walking in minimal shoes is less forgiving directly on the feet, especially on pavement, slow down and be more present in how you walk.  

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