Matt Moore | 🚒 | 𝗠𝗠 |
2y ago
Day 9: 1 Tip I Would Give Someone Who Wanted To Get Started Working In Carpentry

Do you want to get started working in carpentry?

I have been working in carpentry for 19 years now. And what I can tell you (from experience) is that in order to work in this industry you need to have a good attention to detail, think how what you are doing now will affect what you do next and be good at mental arithmetic.

So, here's the 1 tip I would give you if you wanted to pursue a similar career path:

Find the best mentor you possibly can by volunteering or even paying for their time.

Success in Carpentry usually comes down to one thing, who you learned from. Although you can get a grasp of the basics from a course or a teacher nothing beats learning on the job.

I would recommend that you research local businesses who appear to do all aspects of carpentry and not be niched down. You want to build your knowledge like a pyramid, wide at the bottom and slowly tapering to a point. There is so many different aspects to carpentry that it is impossible to pick one without first trying it.  

When you start out you will actually be costing your mentor money, not making it for him. That’s why volunteering or offering to pay to work for them is more likely to get them to say yes. Just make sure they don’t say yes too quickly or you will be taken for a ride!

The right mentor will show you the ropes, offer advice, pair you with someone, share their hard earned wisdom with you and much more. 

Try a few out and before you know it you will know if you want to be a framer, trim carpenter, concrete former or even a cabinet maker like myself. 


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