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2w ago
Can You Please Take Some Time Out And Pause –For Yourself?

Take some time out and enjoy the moment.

Why suddenly?

So I was walking like I usually do while checking X and commenting on posts.

Then I noticed a few butterflies circling me.

I paused for a moment, put my phone away, and just sank at that moment

- 5-6 of them are whirling around me like dancing, cool Breeze blowing, mild sunlight over me... Beautiful—That's what came out of my mouth.

Aah... I think I have never felt like this.

It's a reminder for me.

Sometimes it's good to just pause, and enjoy the Little things that are usually ignored but are the most beautiful.

( I Couldn't Post the picture because they wouldn't sit still to let me take photos of them and there were around 7-9 of them.

I guess some moments are only meant to be stored as memories! )




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