Unpopular opinion:
Writing is easy.
Anyone can scribble their thoughts on a piece of paper. Rather, the difficulty lies in compressing thoughts, making them understandable for others.
Conveying ideas is hard.
Newbie writers often try to fit multiple ideas into writing piece.
Problem is, when you're trying to say everything, nothing comes through.
Expert writers like Dickie Bush, James Clear and Nicolas Cole are masters at communicating one idea per article. They became successful by shouting one clear idea into the void, while their competitors shouted a thousand incomprehensible ones.
The world's best aren't packaging multiple ideas in one essay. You shouldn't try to, either.
Instead, they should strive to mediate one idea fully rather than 3 ideas partially.
Luckily, the trap of multiple ideas is easily avoided.
To not allow room for more than one idea per essay, resist the urge of putting multiple ideas into one essay. Instead, create a new draft for idea #2. Your article will improve, and as a bonus you now have a new topic to write about.
Don't overcomplicate, convey one idea an essay.