Omar M. Khateeb
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2y ago
Day 15: Anyone Interested In {Topic} Should Read This Blog Post
Omar M. Khateeb

If you are at all interested in Self-Development there are lot's of great blogs out there. But the iconic @tferriss is a must.

Clear your calendar for a few hours and read these 9 blogs that WILL change your life if you act on them.

Number 7 was the most life-changing for me

(1) Life and time are precious.

How do we balance protecting time with protecting relationships? How do we conquer guilt and do what is truly most important?

Tim reflects Seneca's letter “On The Shortness of Life" to answer

(2) Wisdom starts with getting rid of non-essentials of life.

Knowing when to say no is key and probably what will keep you on the path of success, wealth, and enlightenment.

(3) Self-Development is rooted in discipline which means delaying short-term gratification for long term gains.

You should train yourself to avoid two vices that many default to when stressed; alcohol and pleasure.

(4) The past will give you a glimpse on the action you should take in the future.

“Past Year rReviews” (PYR) are more informed, valuable, and actionable than half-blindly looking forward with broad resolutions.

(5) Philosophy is more about how to act than just how to think.

This blog shows you how to use philosophy as a personal operating system.

(6) A jack of all trades is a master of none but is always better than a master of one.

Here's why you should develop a "skill stack" as @ScottAdamsSays explains in "How to fail at everything and still win big"

Start with this then get Scott's book

(7) The quality of your life will be reflected in the quality of questions you ask yourself.

Tim pulls 17 questions that changed his life

(8) Anxiety is needless and imaginary.

Difference between anxiety and fear is anxiety is diffuse and focuses on possibilities in an unknown future, not a real and present threat.

It doesn't protect you from danger, but from doing great things.

(9) Complaining keeps you from gaining.

I realized that the greats never complained.

Complaining solves nothing and only makes things worse.

Here's how to stop complaining for good


Life and time are precious.

Wisdom starts with getting rid of non-essentials of life.

Self-Development is rooted in discipline which means delaying short-term gratification for long term gains.

Reviewing the past will give you an idea on action to take tomorrow

Philosophy is more about how to act than just how to think

A jack of all trades is a master of none but is always better than a master of one

The quality of your life will be reflected in the quality of questions you ask yourself

Anxiety is needless and imaginary

Complaining keeps you from gaining

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