There's one book that is so controversial its actually banned in some US state prisons.
The 48 Laws of Power by @RobertGreene is the best book ever written on navigating the world of business and power.
Here are 3 reasons why plus an exercise for you to do👇
You don't have to like the laws of power but you must learn them to protect yourself from bad actors.
Either learn the laws or risk floating around like a balloon in a forest waiting to be popped.
Reason #2: For Domination
Some laws teach prudence (Law 1: Never Outshine the Master), others teach confidence (Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness), and many laws focus on self-preservation.
Every law, though, has one thing in common: an interest in total domination.
Reason #3: For Self-Reflection
Growth comes from the ability to ask yourself high quality questions and reflect.
These laws will touch old wounds and make you question why some events went in your favor while others did not.
Philosophy teaches us not only how to think but more importantly how to act
The Laws of Power are about the actions you must take to navigate a treacherous world.
Bonus: The Violation of 3 Exercise
Review the laws of power and identify the 3 laws you violate most often.
You've now identified your biggest vulnerabilities for you to develop and strengthen.