How To Master Your To-Do List And Eliminate Overload Today With This Simple Separation Technique
Oscar Lagrosen

Do you feel that your to-do list is getting longer and longer while you are more and more stressed?

If yes, don't worry. There is a simple solution for you based on my Barbell Productivity System.

Identify each task as either a Must-Do or Can-Do

They are completely different animals.

Must-Dos (obligations) are tasks you must finish at a certain date, or you will experience unwanted consequences (you decide what unwanted means for you). You want as few of them as possible since your time is valuable.

You input your must-dos in your Calendar as separate events at the latest possible time (to avoid procrastination and utilize Parkinson’s law)

Can-Dos (options) are tasks that you might want to do at some point (no unwanted consequences). They are just choices/suggestions that you can either do or not do (pick and choose). You want as many of them as possible since you get more freedom and can strategically pick the best one.

You input your can-dos in a separate Can-Do list that you can check off or ignore depending on your mood.

Note that a task can shift multiple times between must-do and can-do depending on your circumstances. A dynamic system.

Use the following question to decide if a must-do or a can-do:

Will there be too many unwanted consequences if I DO NOT complete this task at all?

If yes, it is a must-do (add to calendar), and if no, it is a can-do (add to your can-do list).

You become invincible to overload by limiting your must-dos and expanding your can-dos. Say no to commitments while keeping more doors open.

Using this technique, the more tasks you get bombarded with, the more freedom and happiness you will experience.


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