3 Strategies You Can Use To Instantly Select The Best Idea For Your Next Atomic Essay
Oscar Lagrosen

If you took action from the previous article, you now have many ideas in one place that you can build upon.

Your new challenge is to select the best one based on your interests, credibility, and audience.

Based on my experience (146 articles published so far), there are three strategies you can use to decide easiest what to write tomorrow:

Check your analytics

Every platform you write in has an analytics interface where you can look. Look for the most popular and engaged essays (obviously) and the recurring favorites. If you publish daily on many platforms (for instance, 24), you want to factor in all of them while giving weight to your primary ones.

But do not draw conclusions daily.

The reason is that you do not want the noise, just the signal. The more often you look, the more noise and randomness you will see. Therefore, I recommend you base the decision weekly on which ones have performed the best.

Expand a topic (theme) and make good transitions and connections

When I started back in November, I spent six weeks straight writing about my previous productivity system, 1-Glance.

For starters, I recommend you also milk a big topic from various angles at the beginning (not to get overwhelmed). By grouping your essays into themes, you can decide weekly and thus make the process easier. Plus, you have more articles to base upon.

Look for transitions where the next idea makes sense based on what you previously wrote, which is in your credibility and interests.

Follow your gut

Ultimately, follow your instincts when you scroll through your ideas. Feel what is right at the moment, together with the other tips.


Atomic Essay

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