Hyperproductivity: The Art Of Minimum Doing And Thinking For Maximum Impact And Enjoyment (And How To Get Started)
Oscar Lagrosen

Hyperproductivity = Minimum doing x Minimum thinking x Leverage

Why minimum doing and thinking?

Because productivity is NOT maximum output and results regardless of input. That is busyness.

Instead, you want to decrease your input as much as possible, and because of that bring impact and enjoyment beyond the atmosphere.

This definition of productivity is not new. In the revolutionizing manufacturing methodology Theory of Constraints, maximum output (throughput) is caused by minimum inventory (how long it takes) and minimum operational expense (doing/thinking). The most productive people in the world follow the same logic (see here & here)

The faster, smaller, and easier your activities are, the more accomplished you will be

But how can you accomplish more with less?

By realizing this:

What you do > how you do it

Compare Elon Musk with the average laundromat. They work the same hours but Musk accomplishes orders of magnitude more. One hour for Jeff Bezos influences 750 000 hours of labor, roughly 390 years!

You can only find your vital 20% through alternating between trial and error, and complete stillness (the latter generates insights like crazy)

Remember, thinking is a costly input. The less you think, the more you enter flow (when doing) and complete stillness (when being). Conversely, the more you relax, the more you accomplish.

Once you see what is working, THEN apply ruthless optimization (Parkinson’s law + eliminating bottlenecks) and leverage, to decrease friction and resistance.

Less doing, more being.

How to Get Started with Hyperproductivity

  • Implement The Barbell Productivity System in less than an hour. If you use a calendar, a list of can-dos, and a note-taking system, you are set.

  • Totally relax

  • Become totally present

  • Seek flow and trial & error with less doing and lots of time for enjoying life

Finally, seek infinite leverage and open-ended payoffs.

Examples are: “Zero Overhead Environment”, flow, capture insights, share a large volume everywhere, patience, outsourcing, automation, treating people well, selflessness and holistic understanding


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