Three days ago I received this question:

"What's the why behind all of your Total Living?"

The answer is simple

"Because you will die, sooner or later"

You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” Marcus Aurelius

It is easy to take our lives for granted until we see others perish, or being very close. Life is the best (and only) thing we have that we cannot get back. Yet, most of us unconsciously waste our years and moments, not being aware that we are dying every day as time progresses.

We are dying every day, and all the days we have lived up to now are already in the hands of death." Seneca

Now that you have an existential crisis, you ask "But how can I make the most of my life right now to make it worth it when the reaper comes?"

The answer is Total Living

Think of the last time you felt truly alive. Chances are it was during one of the following moments:

  • You were totally absorbed in your work/hobby, enjoying the flow state and progress

  • You were totally present in awe, either by yourself in nature, in a new place, or with your partner/family/friend

  • You had a dramatic and wild adventure, with risks involved and memories to tell afterward

  • You learned something new and got a stunning flash of insight combined with the extra proficiency

  • You were in love with another person and your reality

You felt totally present, effortless, and unstoppable.

By practicing Total Living you will feel truly alive every second of your day, making the most of your finite life

  • Total Presence (Total Presence) allows you to instantly access your paradise of now, the state of true aliveness.

  • Hyperproductivity (Hyperproductivity) allows you to have the most impact and enjoyment with the least amount of doing and thinking (thanks to leverage).

  • Personal Antifragility (Personal Antifragility) allows you to grow fast from whatever happens, like nature.

Get started today before all is lost!

Read the full article here:



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