If you have read a book or attended an expensive course, you might ask yourself:

"There is so much I learned here, but how do I implement all of this?"

You might also be overwhelmed by all the constant advice you hear on LinkedIn (including this one).

Suddenly you feel you are pulled in all directions, trying to do everything despite some of them being contradictory to each other.

Or you stop trying altogether, just numbing out, thinking

"They don't know my hardship, my life, my problems! They don't know what I'm going through. My life is special"

All of that while being in constant guilt that you SHOULD do X, Y, Z, and whatever.

If you can relate to all above, read on:

Gall's Law to your rescue

Gall's Law from his book Systemantics is defined like this:

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.”

Or restated in plain English:

You HAVE to start simple and upgrade/evolve the system over time

Next time you look at Walmart, Amazon & MrBeast, remember that they all started very simple back in the days.

What does Gall's Law mean to you?

You are a complex system full of interdependencies and life factors.

Therefore, you have to start small, completely adapt to your unique situation, and gradually upgrade.

A personal example: today I write a new article (distributed to 30 platforms) and Twitter thread every day, tweet every single hour, and launch a new digital product every week.

But I did not start that way.

It came after five months of gradual tinkering and learning the basics. I would NEVER, ever, assign my current schedule to anyone without a gradual and slow implementation (like I advise in my book Effortless Republishing which you can grab your copy here: https://thetotalliving.gumroad.com/l/effortless-republishing)

Therefore, for every piece of advice you hear, ask the following two questions:

  • Is this one directly applicable to my unique situation?

  • Can I implement this right now or wait?

Then implement each piece of advice gradually, if at all.

Ask these two questions, and you will become a complex system over time that no one can replicate. Be incredibly valuable in your category while feeling no guilt.



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