If you want to become more…

  • Productive

  • Accomplished

  • Relaxed

  • Present

…while having less…

  • Stress

  • Anxiety and worry

  • Crises that you have to deal with

  • Overthinking

  • Fatigue

… and spend as little time as possible implementing and maintaining the system but instead do what you love?

Then this book is for you.

The Barbell System is designed to solve the following question: how can you get into action and enjoyment the quickest way possible without any extra overhead or friction? It is the simplest system for enabling your full capabilities to shine through.

You will be able to unlock the key to personal self-mastery and hyperproductivity already from the first chapter. The rest of the book will give you a deeper understanding of the breakthrough principles behind the system.

I have spent the last 3 years reading and listening 5-10 hours a day about productivity and self-mastery, from best-sellers to modern science. In 2020, I became the highest ranked Pokemon Go player in Sweden while studying full-time and pursuing two part-time jobs simultaneously. Today, I write a new article, podcast episode and Twitter thread every day, while having a full-time job. In a normal day, I also meditate and relax 4 hours a day.

This is all possible while enjoying life to the fullest, thanks to the Barbell System. If you grab a copy now, you will get the surprisingly simple secret behind maximum impact and enjoyment.

In this book you will learn:

  • How you can alternate between planned disciplined time and unplanned playful time to get things done and tap into unexpected opportunities.

  • How you can use your calendar and task manager for maximum peace of mind.

  • How you can become present by writing your thoughts down.

  • How to organize all your notes and files the easiest and most effective way.

  • How you can use habits, small actions and playfulness instead of goals to get what you want and actually enjoy the process.

  • How to deal with imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and fear.

Click here to get the e-book. Click here to get the audiobook.



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