You are an ambitious overthinker if

  • You have goals to actualize yourself but cannot enjoy the journey to it

  • You constantly reassure yourself that “everything is ok and you are on track” but secretly worry that your life is falling apart and you will never succeed

  • You try to analyze and interpret every situation consciously

  • You are planning for every single contingency multiple times, but it does not help

  • You have past regrets and low self-confidence that both torture you endlessly

  • You tend to drift off to wanderland many times, not being here

Signs of being a Total Life Enjoyer (practitioner of Total Living)

You are a total life enjoyer (TLE) if

  • You have enormous trust that you will figure everything out when it comes.

  • You are so present that it feels like right now will always exist.

  • You focus on enjoying the journey and have no expectations on where it is going to lead (because it will be good)

  • You get tons of things done because you enjoy the doing in itself

  • You can spend long periods doing nothing

  • You seek "bad experiences" because they will make you stronger

  • You are not afraid to feel your emotions, pain, and tensions to the fullest because you know that surrendering to them will make them vanish

If every second feels like paradise, regardless of how your world is, you are living the Total Living lifestyle

How to become a Total Life Enjoyer today

  • Write down recurring thoughts, ideas, and negative self-talk on a note-taking app or piece of paper. Learn more here

  • Breath in and watch your surroundings. Life is most beautiful right now, so enjoy it. Forget that you exist, and be what you see, hear and feel, regardless of observing or daydreaming.

  • Implement The Barbell Productivity System in less than an hour. If you use a calendar, a list of can-dos, and a note-taking system, you are set.

  • Use your negative emotions as a valuable fuel. Feel and act BECAUSE of them, not despite them. Interpret pain as pleasure.

  • Trust that nature will help you if you are fully present. Whatever happens will be good since you are maximally aware.

  • Accept and enjoy your reality as if you have chosen it. Then it will improve rapidly without trying.



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