The 7 Ways To Be Totally Present
Oscar Lagrosen

Yesterday, I wrote about why Total Presence is the answer to everything you seek for.

The reason is because of your full attention. With all of your mental perception of the current reality, there is no room for unhelpful thoughts and worries. By being more grounded in where you are right now, you can maneuver your life in the best possible way. The complete engagement with where you are is what causes the desired qualities of an amazing life.

Here are the 7 portals to become instantly present:

Portal 1: Conscious breathing

This one is the easiest since breathing is non-negotiable. You would not read this if you did not breathe for very long.

Focus on your inhales and exhales. Notice the air coming in and the release afterward. Doing just once will allow you to become present superfast.

Portal 2: Looking

Wherever you are, just look at what you see. Notice the inherent beauty of it with all of your attention. If you want to focus on a work task, looking intently will give you the mental focus you need to accomplish it.

Portal 3: Listening

Notice all the sounds in your environment. Be also fully here when you are with somebody. Not only will you be 100% connected to them, but they will too.

Portal 4: Feeling your body (the most powerful portal)

Whenever you are awake, keep some of your attention on your interoception, i e what you feel outside and inside your skin. Feel that it is alive, dynamic, and vibrant. If you have any pains, tensions, or discomforts, go into them fully and drop the resistance that keeps them going.

Feeling your body all the time is like extending your roots to the core of the Earth. Nothing can shake you anymore since you are maximally grounded. You are connected with everything and radiate presence to the world.

Portal 5: Ask yourself, "I wonder what my next thought will be." Then wait

If you are particularly stuck in a thought pattern, this portal allows you to step out from the quicksand. Being conscious of them makes them stop

Portal 6: Realize that now is the only thing that exists

Past and future are illusions projected by your mind. What matters is the exact moment you are reading these words. This exact moment is all you have. Cutting off from time puts you in a place of presence.

Portal 7: Surrender and fully accept what is at this exact moment

The present moment is neither good nor bad. It just is what it is. However, your non-acceptance of this exact moment causes the unease you feel most of the time. Even if you tell yourself you accept right now, you are still resisting somewhere deep inside. Otherwise, you would not feel so bad.

So drop all conceptions on how this exact moment should be. Embrace it as you have chosen it. Feel as if you have "made it" already.

You have truly surrendered if you feel ease, joy, and lightness in your body. From this place, you can act effectively in the world and gravitate toward your desired circumstances. Now, you are in your power.

How to stay present

To stay present, continue using one of these 7 portals (preferably the fourth one). Also, make this practice your highest priority and realize that all else is less relevant. For example, if you were told that you would die if you dropped a particular item, you would not drop it. In the same way, focus on being totally present, and all else will take care of itself.


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