How To Stop Racing Thoughts At Night Using Total Presence 👇
Because for many people, bedtime can be very stressful.
Especially when a critical event is coming soon (presentation, negotiation, job performance-evaluation), the thoughts cannot be stopped. The mind constantly projects mental movies of everything going wrong, leading to anxiety, sweating, and even panic attacks. Although sleep is vital for good living, endless thoughts prevent it.
It does not have to be this way.
You can END these thoughts by paying attention to your body (or breath)
Trying to silence the mind using thinking alone will only create more thoughts. Similar to trying to burn up a fire with more fire.
Instead, take your awareness to what you feel in the body right now.
When your eyes are closed, you can still feel where your hands and feet are. Focus on that particular feeling. Then move over to each body part, and then your entire body, with more attention on chronic tensions and agitated parts. You can also do breathing techniques like the physiological sigh (most effective), 4-7-8, and pranayama.
NOTE: paying attention does not mean expelling effort (a very common misconception). Rather, you simply observe, effortlessly. This effortless awareness is key for drifting off into sleep super fast.
So next time you are particularly worked up, realize that what you have are just thoughts behaving like a beehive. Acknowledge their existence but do not take them seriously. Just return to your body and breath.
If there is something you absolutely do not want to forget, write it down. Otherwise, trust that you will remember what you need. Relax and go into the present moment.
Before you know it, the next day has arrived, and you feel absolutely fresh!