No time is valuable if you lack energy.

Last week you learned 10 ways to get tons of sustainable energy without coffee or drugs (based on modern science). Since this article became well-received, here are 10 more:

1. Longer inhales, shorter exhales

By controlling your breathing, you have the power to control your autonomic nervous system and thus your energy levels. According to Stanford professor Andrew Huberman, long inhales and short exhales increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and ultimately alertness. To calm yourself down, inhale shorter and exhale way longer.

2. Look up more often

In the same way, your eyes play a key role in both focus and alertness. By looking up and staring, your body will automatically make you more alert when it is time.

In contrast, looking down at your screen will make you more sleepy (not good for posture either). If you are reading this on a laptop, put some pillows over it to elevate your screen.

3. Listen to your favorite (upbeat) music

If you have a particular playlist when performing a certain activity, you can associate the playlist with work, thus creating a powerful ritual. You can also listen to relaxing music when it is time to unwind.

4. Drink water more often

Whenever you feel the slightest sense of fatigue, it is probably thirst. Especially during the summer months, your brain and body consume a lot of water. Always have a filled glass at hand.

5. Embrace habits, rules, and guidelines

You want to do stuff without spending extra energy thinking about them. If you have standard operating procedures, you can have your mind relaxed. Even for decisions, make some rules of thumb for yourself, and some necessary conditions.

6. Turn off notifications and do not mindlessly check

One of the worst things you can do for your brain, productivity, and energy is to context switch without writing every thought down first. In general, you want to consolidate notifications to specific checking times, while being uninterrupted otherwise.

7. Meditate

For the past 20 years, meditation has been my go-to practice for refueling. If you want a stark energy boost, meditation will give you just that.

8. Remove must-dos and increase can-dos

Being overwhelmed is not good for energy. Fortunately, only a small fraction of your commitments are essential while the others are not so (the Pareto principle). Cut down your commitments and increase options to feel an energy boost.

9. Clean up something

In the same way, removing dust, fixing things, and reorganizing your physical and digital space will give you tons of positive feelings. Plus nicer surroundings.

10. Be kind to yourself and others

Ultimately, being a threat to yourself is taxing. You want to be your best friend instead, always loving whatever you do. In the same way, you want to unconditionally give to your friends. Not only will you feel a sense of pleasure and bonding but they will too.



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