No time is valuable if you lack energy.

Therefore, energy management is way more important than time management. Wasting energy is more harmful than wasting time. Unfortunately, almost no one talks about this.

So here are 10 ways to get tons of sustainable energy without coffee or drugs (based on modern science):

1. View sunlight early in the morning

According to Stanford professor and podcaster Andrew Huberman, viewing sunlight is the most powerful habit for energy, sleep and mood. The light on your eyes resets your internal clock and you will gain the necessary boost. Even if cloud cover, you should be out for at least five minutes.

2. Always do meaningful and fun things

We are most engaged whenever we like what we do and the results. If you genuinely believe your work is exciting, you will not worry about energy and motivation. You will be in the flow state, the happiest feeling you will have.

3. Be totally present and undistracted

This constant self-talk and distractions saps our energy like a leaking boat. But by turning off distractions, and being present, you are like a laser beam. To be present, either deliberately breathe, stare, listen or feel.

4. View physical pain as energy flowing out from you

Although chronic pain and tensions are terrible, there is a great hack. In The Untethered Soul (affiliate link), author Michael Singer recommends reframing pain as energy flowing out from you. This allows you to relax and let your body heal itself. I have found this to be tremendously effective when healing my own chronic pains and tensions.

5. Obsess over learning skills and solving problems

Not only will you feel a sense of mastery and achievement, you will also be more valuable in your job and business. By caring less about self-improvement and more about skill-improvement, you will get energy, money, and happy people (and a healthy self as a byproduct)

6. Have a second brain (external reference system)

Offloading everything you need to remember in the cloud frees you from overwhelm and mental despair. Plus you will know what is truly important in your life and act effectively. For more info about creating your second brain and a bullet-proof productivity system, click here and here.

7. Master your emotions

The most effective way to gain control over your worries is to visualize the worst thing that can happen and realize you can handle it gracefully. You have nothing to be afraid of afterwards

8. Surround yourself with the right people

If someone is not making you stronger, they make you weaker. Be with people that inspire you and can have fun with. Love them back for unbreakable bonds and tons of energy supply.

9. Exercise, eat, and sleep right

By far the most important point in this article because without the basics, everything will fall apart. Create a routine that fits your needs and stick to it.

10. When in doubt, recharge your battery by relaxing

Compared to time, energy can be stored. Therefore, if you are afraid of wasting time, see it as an opportunity to store up energy for future use. Just relax, let the tensions vanish and refuel.



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