Back in January this year, I joined ship30for30 for three reasons only (because I was already writing every day):
Get better feedback
Increase my reach
Participate in a vibrant community
29 days later, I can confidently state that all of these have been met!
It has been an incredibly rewarding and accelerating experience. Filled with new friendships, more validation, and an underlying feeling of communitas (group flow). If you are an aspiring or experienced writer who wants to grow digitally, this course is for you.
The course offers deeper knowledge than the other writings
I had previously read The Art & Business of Online Writing twice by ship captain Nicolas Cole. However, despite having the basics kicked in, I still learned a lot of new things.
The more you write, the more you write
Before joining, I did not have much feedback and attention at all on my posts. Now, it’s much clearer to determine what resonates or not and adapt accordingly. No need to figure it out, just listen and respond.
I have also started to write a daily Twitter thread, together with the essays, all because of open-ended payoffs and creative overdrive.
Being in a community is intrinsically fulfilling
When I left the Pokemon Go community last year, there was a nagging sense of loneliness. I could not relate my experiences to a global network anymore.
Thanks to ship30for30, I have now restored this underlying need.
What’s next?
I joined the Captain’s Table (the advanced course) last month and swallowed the material in one day. Highly recommended, and it will be even more powerful soon, with a step-by-step guide to revenue.
This season I will also publish my first book, The Barbell System. This one will be heavily based on my most appreciated articles so far. All about how you can thrive in this unpredictable world and dominate it, with this system.