3 Ways To Ensure That You Never Miss A Writing Session Again (And Enjoy The Shipping)

Before you think about quality and growth, you have to show up daily (survive).

It is easy to compare yourself to other creators and feel overwhelmed, just as Tyler Suzuki Nelson has beautifully written. Seeing all the attention and praise they get while you are on the verge of quitting. “Why all this work when no one reads it?” you think.

Fortunately, all other creators also started from zero, just like you. They got to where they are by being consistent, improving their content, and seizing luck.

Below are my 3 best tips for continuing the journey, based on 4 months of daily writing and almost 5 years of playing Pokemon Go 6+ hours a day.

Plan the time and show up

Define the hour in your calendar as a recurring event. It could be either morning, midday, or evening, as long as it works for you. Adjust the time if necessary some days.

Now you no longer have to agonize over the next time you should write (which can trigger procrastination). You have an appointment with yourself that you can form an invisible habit around (I’ve written more about it here).

80% of success is showing up. //Woody Allen

Make it as easy as possible

There will be days of flowing creativity and days of drought. That is NORMAL.

During the days of drought, publish whatever you want, free from standards. Get comfortable with publishing a single quote.

Paradoxically, this self-compassion will allow you to produce your best work, transforming drought to flow.

Enjoy, truly enjoy, the writing itself

To stick with something long-term, you need to enjoy it for its own sake.

Anticipate and look forward to your unique self-expression, the flow state, and the background music. Creating is intrinsically rewarding.

I wish you the best!


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