Burnout: Why It Happens (According To Science) And How Total Living Can Help You Prevent And Eliminate It Forever

Burnout is no joke!

The Flow Research Collective defines burnout as “a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors.” Three criteria must be there simultaneously:

  • Exhaustion (overwork)

  • Cynicism (resentment, detachment)

  • Inefficacy (involuntariness, ineffectiveness)

In other words, overwork alone will not cause burnout. If you love what you do and stay within biological limits, you will not be burnt out. But if you resent the activity, watch out!

How to Solve the Burnout

The scientific Maslach Burnout Inventory identifies six root causes. You have to solve them one by one to be free:

  • Lack of control. Solution: change boss to expand autonomy

  • Values conflict. Solution: leave the organization

  • Insufficient reward. Solution: get rightfully compensated

  • Work overload Solution: rest more but do not assume this is the core issue

  • Unfairness. Solution: talk to the ones you ought to.

  • Breakdown of community. Solution: build feedback loops

Moreover, if you have hit the wall, do this:

  • Sleep as your life depended on it

  • Recover like it’s your job

  • Practice gratitude

How Total Living helps you forget that burnout exists

Let’s examine burnout via the three core elements of total living: personal antifragility, hyperproductivity, and total presence.

Personal antifragility is your way of viewing and benefitting from hardship. In this context, see burnout as potent fuel for post-traumatic growth. You can use the stress and negativity as weapons in your arsenal and become the judo master.

Hyperproductivity allows you to do more with less. Rest as much as possible and do nothing. Just be, and you will come up with the ultimate solutions.

Finally, total presence helps you see the situation completely, without fog or fear. You will notice the resentment before it is a critical issue and act accordingly. Achieve the ultimate mind clarity and play in your favor.


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