I announced verbally a month in advance but forgot to give written notice.
I was going to Bucharest from Rome at the airport when I called my manager with the news. He took it well and asked about the new position. In the end, he said, "Send me an email with the details."
Here's my biggest mistake: I forgot to do that. In the commotion of coming from vacation and reacomodating, I forgot. After two more weeks, I start to say that I need to close any loose ends before leaving. Here's when I hear my colleagues saying, "Wait, are you leaving?"
Never defer giving bad news just because it is uncomfortable.
If you leave a job badly, it will most likely come back to bite you in the back.
My higher manager told me he just found out in the mids of all the confusion. That this will set him back for 2 months searching for a replacement, and that he wished at least I would've given him some notice and not only announce my direct manager. My relationship with him, even though it was good before, suffered.
Based on this, here's how to avoid what happened to me:
This helps your team by giving them enough time to replace you.
I thought he would inform all relevant parties, but that was not the case.
Inform whoever needs to be informed in person. Ask what you can do to ease the transition before you go, but don't compromise on your deadlines (I've received hints of doing that).
Have meetings with the people you care about.
You will meet them throughout town, at conferences, or on social media, and it is a pity to tarnish a great relationship just because it will be awkward. A group call with your best friends from the job is also great to have some closure.
This has been weird to talk about. I hope you learned from my mistakes. Remember always to give written notice, even if you don't receive reminders about it!