Pablo Fernández 🧢
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1y ago
It Is Going To Be A Long Journey, Make Sure To Have Fun!
Pablo Fernández 🧢

You are at the stage where you have two to three passions and you have to determine which one to pursue for the rest of your life. It is a very hard decision in which you have to take into account many external factors along side internal ones such as your confidence. One of the most important determinants that I used to leave passions behind and pursue others was - having fun.

Why Having Fun Is Important

It may sound cliche but, life is too short. Life is too short to be caught up in something unfulfilling and that doesn't bring you joy and fun, but life is also too short to be lazy and not work har. Finding that happy medium between joy and hard work will lead to you feeling accomplish and fulfilled, which is what we look for in life. As an example, I am a very good soccer player and had dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, however, the more I played, the more I fell out of love with the game. This really affected me because the dream I had been pursuing for the past two years and I considered to be my passion, stopped bringing out joy in me. After over half a year of playing soccer without having fun I realized that I couldn't play this sport for the rest of my life, and that is when business and economics came in. That world really attracted me and had the perfect combination of fun and hard work. I have been working hard to become a CEO and I really enjoy doing this type of work.

One of your main priorities should be whether you will have fun doing this for the rest of your life. You may be good at something, but does it bring you joy?

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