CitrustPebbles 🍊 🚢
Childfree. Vegan. Nomad. Algorand. Fiction. I write short fun pieces that people actually have time to read.
2y ago

Every two year old's party is so predictably full of screaming, crying, diapers, sticky fingers, and interrupted conversations that no amount of beer, pizza or even cake can compensate.

And the guest of honor won't even remember if you were there or not!

When my friends all started having kids, my social opportunities started to shrink, and not just because of my bad attitude about babies. Parents rightfully have other priorities, and regretfully, less free time. I made a point of getting to know and spending time with others without children.

No Kids? Mark Your Calendar for the Virtual Childfree Convention Happening July 30 & 31

Here are 5 reasons that this free live streaming convention is an awesome way to meet likeminded people and become part of a community:

  • Welcoming: From people people who are childfree by choice, to those who have no children due circumstances beyond their control, to those who are still on the fence about whether or not to have kids, Childfree Convention welcomes all.

  • International: Not only will there be attendees from all over the world, there will be country specific panels, including Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Central/Southern America, focusing on the differences and similarities of childfree experience across the globe.

  • Educational: Where else can you find experts on childfree estate and financial planning, sterilization options, and antinatalism all in one place? You will definitely learn something!

  • Entertaining: Co-Founders, Jared, Cody, and LeNora spend so much time and energy making sure that the Childfree Convention is a great time for all. There's even two halftime shows scheduled!

  • Ongoing: Leading up to the Con and all year long, there are many other opportunities to connect and engage with other childfree people online and in person.

I am speaking at the Childfree Convention on the "Off the Grid" panel, talking about my digital nomad adventures -- If you have any questions or want more information, just let me know!
