Like any startup, the Citrust team has many milestones and goals.
One stands out above all others, and that's to save people time and money by offering a central networking platform for developers, enthusiasts, and investors interested in learning more about what's going on with the Algorand blockchain.
Of course, everyone should do their own research and interact directly with project founders and other fans. When you get to know them and participate in the community, you feel more trust and excitement about your investments.
However, with so much new information coming out all the time, it is quickly going to become impossible to read every Tweet, Reddit thread, Discord conversation, and keep up with YouTube.
"Having a place where the community can organize and quickly share information is going to be key to comparing similar projects, and for new founders to gain attention." -- Citrust Co-Founder, Monty Brennan
Brennan, also known as KryptoNurd for his Algorand news channel, truly believes that we are all in this together. Citrust is designed to be a place to get timely info about which projects are worth your time and money without spending hours or missing out on something important. You can (and should) still follow, watch, and read about all of your favorite projects on social media, but when it is time to quickly compare or get crucial information, Citrust will be your go-to place.
Goal: Offer a launchpad service to help new projects come to market.
Goal: Support budding NFT artists with a special marketplace.
Goal: Reward people for reviews and resources with $NURD token.
Above all else, the intent of Citrust is to serve as centralized hub for a decentralized community.