Yesterday I was the tech wrangler for an online unconference. I was asked to help with the setup of the platform, Qiqochat, which I have used before.
The platform works really well for events with multiple breakout rooms and multiple sessions.
The team did a brilliant job despite losing the original Emcee to illness and worked together brilliantly.
Some challenges
The initial 'pitching of ideas' does not have the same energy using tech as in person - We have tried a few different ways to do it and none seem to be quite right. I feel that perhaps the best way to do it is for people to be invited to pitch it in the same way as we do in person and then add the pitches to a grid
A few people had challenges with getting access - this requires more information and better signposting of the help desk call we provided
The platform used for the calls (Google Meet) required someone to log into each room but then timed out after 10 minutes and so that was slightly problematic - We could give each of the volunteers a meet call to hang about in on their phone to keep it open or use a different system.
The combination of Meet, Jamboard, Sheets and Qiqochat was confusing for some. There are ways to keep everything in the platform and that is why it is so good, however, we are always trying for inclusivity and giving people choices which can result in confusion - I will be testing a Qiqochat only setup and then the alternative options can be signposted as that.
It was a great event and we are always looking for ways to be better.