07-Recruiting For An Ethnographic Study

In the second phase of an ethnography, the main focus is on finding and recruiting the right participants for your study. The following are a few essential pointers to consider during this phase.

Identifying participants: After the planning phase, you should have a sense of who would be the ideal participants for your study. Define the different criteria you are seeking in your participants, and these should include demographics and psychographics. Always try to recruit across several diverse identity markers — gender, class, education, profession, geography, caste, ability, religion, political ideology, marital status, etc. Use pre-screening strategies like a short questionnaire or a phone call to determine who would be the right fit for your research. As you begin to gather leads of potential participants, ensure that you are asking yourself who is intentionally or unintentionally excluded in the process and what can be done to invite their perspectives into the project. 

Self-recruiting v. using a recruiting agency: When putting out a call to recruit for your study, clearly specify the prerequisites for participation, the goal of the study, the duration of the study, and potential risks of participation and mitigating strategies planned. The more you make the process transparent and accessible for participants, the easier it will be to attract the right kind of people. Every project requires careful consideration during the recruitment phase, but some are more complex than others. Depending on your budget and the scope, you can use professional recruiting agencies to help put together a good mix of participants. When self-recruiting, use both online and offline channels to reach your desired participants.

Value exchange: Consider how you plan to exchange value with your participants. Think about how you will make every participant experience gains or benefits from being involved in your project. Value exchange can take place in many ways. For instance, there could be social, psychological, or professional benefits for new immigrants to participate in a study about their professional challenges encountered in a new country. Monetary compensation is commonly used as a means of value exchange. When offering financial incentives, clearly communicate risks and benefits, enabling participants to make informed choices. 


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