Anyone in Tech Should Write About Their Journey

I transitioned into machine learning from academia 6 years ago, and I think anyone starting a career in tech should write about their journey. The reason is simple! There are others out there who are a few steps behind you in their journey and would love to know about your experience and what it's like and what it takes to be where you are now.

Here are 4 simple prompts and questions to help you start writing about your journey today and help others behind you with their process.

Why did you transition into tech?

What was it about tech that fascinated you?

What are some overlaps/connections with your previous career that accelerated your transition?

How did your goals keep you on track during your toughest times?

How did you make the transition?

What path did you follow? Can you summarize the steps you took in this process?

What resources did you use? What communities or people were you in touch with?

What were the top resources/people/groups that helped you the most in your journey?

You must have experienced lots of trials and errors. What were the outcomes of these experiments? What have you learned to be the most effective approaches that others can follow?

How can others replicate your process? Is there anything to be aware of before going down this path?

What would you have done differently if you were to start all over again?

Are there any mistakes that you would have avoided?

Anything you missed and now realize its importance?

From where are you now everything seems obvious and easy. You're probably more focused on the path ahead and its challenges, but I encourage you to look back at your path and describe it to those who are embarking on this same journey. Your stories will be inspiring to many out there so start writing!


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