I received an email that was so well stated I have copied it in its entirety below.
“I haven't yet seen anyone mention the following relevant fact: Arlington Cemetery exists because Robert E. Lee's son, George Washington Custis Lee, consented to sell his mother's beloved home, Arlington, back to the Federal Government after he won a lawsuit against that Government in 1882 for the illegal seizure of the property during the War. He had every right to make them disinter and remove the bodies already there, as he was the rightful heir, after his mother's death in 1873. Instead, he accepted reasonable payment for the property and its timber (removed during the War) and lived quietly with relatives until his death in 1913. That gesture of reconciliation, after achieving justice, is an important part of the entire history of the nation's attempts to heal over the many decades since the War. Recent bitter and misinformed attempts to derail that reconciliation for current-day political advantage are intentionally destructive and dangerous to both the integrity and the future of the country.”
I do not know the person who emailed me. I appreciated receiving it and responded with the following.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful email and reminder of this important history at Arlington. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I note some sadness in your message. I am not sure how you happened to find my website and I am glad you did. I am part of a group called Defend Arlington. We are doing all we can to ensure the Confederate Memorial at Arlington is not destroyed. As you point out, it is a testament to reconciliation in the country in the early 20th Century and as such, it is an important monument for the entire country to understand. There are many people who feel the way you do, and they have not given up!