Garrick Sapp
A consultant with a passion for history and understanding what is true.
2y ago
A Tipping Point?
By Garrick Sapp

I am a member of the Defend Arlington committee which has one goal: save the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. Through my association I have met some great people and obtained insight into organizations I had only heard about. The committee has people on it who are part of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Save Southern Heritage Florida.

I attended a Save Southern Heritage Florida call last night that provided an important insight. The call was an update on the activities of the Defend Arlington committee.

During the call, someone made the point that the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery will likely be a “tipping point” if we are able to save it. It will show the country that there are people willing to fight to save important art and artifacts of American heritage. This was an articulation of how I have been feeling. I suspect many can relate.

Someone else made the claim that polls show that the majority of Americans do not like the iconoclasm of the last three years. I am not sure of this, but let’s say it is the case. It would mean that the majority have effectively been silent during it all. This argues for the tipping point. Afterall, it is a memorial in a cemetery.

As Malcolm Gladwell defines it, the “tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire”. In this case, it will be the moment when a large part of the heretofore silent population sees that defending the art and history of our republic is the right thing.

The biggest needs now are media exposure and donations. Please do your part to ensure the rest of the country sees the depravity of those who would destroy a memorial to Americans in a cemetery.


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