SpaceX’s Starship Explodes Shortly After Launching Uncrewed Test Flight
Wall Street Journal
Starship Explosion Shows Just How Far SpaceX Is From the Moon
Bloomberg L.P.
SpaceX’s Starship Kicked Up a Dust Cloud, Leaving Texans With a Mess
New York Times
These headlines represent the initial perspectives on the recent SpaceX Starship launch. Our finest news organizations are doing everything they can to turn an unprecedented accomplishment into a miserable failure. These are premeditated lies to further an agenda of big central government supremacy.
The hate of Southern heritage comes from the same place.
It seems like a stretch, but it is not. Elon Musk and SpaceX launched and flew a rocket that will carry a larger payload, more cheaply than anything ever imagined before. They did it primarily with private capital. The elites can’t stand it. Sure, the government invested some money, but it is a private effort. It is a monumental testament to free enterprise and small government.
Southern Heritage represents some of those same values. The South represented real federalism with devolved power residing in States that were free to pursue policies as they saw fit. Cry slavery as loudly as you like, but what other American tradition even comes close to representing conservative values? That is why it must be destroyed.
It was the anti-Federalists and then Democrats who, from the founding, advocated for State rights. The Federalists, then Whigs, and then Republicans fought for national banks, protective tariffs, and centrally funded and allocated internal improvements. Call me all the silly names you like, but this disagreement was the ultimate cause of the Civil War. Destroy Southern heritage and you destroy the best foundation for the American conservative tradition. What is the argument for a small central government that does not include real federalism?
Elon represents a threat to big central government the same way Southern heritage does.