Garrick Sapp
A consultant with a passion for history and understanding what is true.
2y ago
General Eisenhower was a Segregationist
By Garrick Sapp

General Eisenhower is an odd choice to replace John Brown Gordon outside Augusta in Georgia. There are many issues with Fort Gordon becoming Fort Eisenhower when you apply the standards of today.

In January of 2022 Ty Seidule Tweeted that Robert E. Lee led an “army that executed black POWs”. Seidule seemed to be indicating that anything that happened in Lee’s army reflected on him. Like in all wars, there were atrocities committed in Europe by Americans while Eisenhower was in command. This included but is not limited to the well documented Biscari Massacre.

Eisenhower commanded a racially segregated army. Most black soldiers served in non-combat support roles like truck drivers, cooks, or mechanics. Those who served in combat did so in black units. This was not a Confederate or Southern rule. This was the United States Government. Segregation of the Army began in the Civil War. The Naming Commission provides no evidence that Eisenhower was disturbed by this or did anything while in the army to address this injustice. He left the army the first time in 1948 the same year President Truman issued Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces.

Eisenhower admired Robert E. Lee. He had pictures of "four great Americans" in his office and one of them was Lee. A citizen wrote to him and asked: “Will you please tell me just why you hold him in such high esteem?” His return letter is the best one-page defense of Lee ever written. In it he said: “a nation of men of Lee’s calibre would be unconquerable in spirit and soul”. This was in 1960.

The Naming Commission was a political creation to tarnish the history of the South and ensure what she stood for is erased. They think we are stupid.


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