Tucker Carlson claims that Jon Meacham had a hand in writing the President’s speech where he warned of the threat to democracy that I pose. I include myself even though it is not clear to me what defines a MAGA Republican. I have heard self-described MAGAs extoll the virtues of Lincoln and say stupid things like Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats fought to keep their slaves. I did vote for Trump twice though.
Meacham is an example of establishmentarian success and how aligned much of the Democratic and Republican parties are on topics that facilitate the growth of centralized government power. He wrote George H. W. Bush’s authorized biography and gave eulogies at President and Barbara Bush’s funerals. He is currently the Canon Historian of the Washington National Cathedral and a professor at Vanderbilt. With that resume you could be forgiven for thinking he was an old school liberal centrist at worst.
A friend of mine who wishes I was not so conservative gave me Meacham’s The Soul of America. I have not read it all, but I have read what he wrote about Lincoln and the South. He is a typical, unthinking, and dishonest righteous causer and Lincoln sycophant. To make his major points he quotes Alexander Stephens and has two pages discussing the views of Edward Pollard! Meacham is no historian.
Carlson is right and Meacham is involved in Biden’s speech writing. The New York Times has reported that he is a Biden speechwriter and the Tennessee Star reported on November 11, 2020 that:
MSNBC has dismissed Vanderbilt professor Jon Meacham from his job as a network contributor because he did not inform network staff that he was writing speeches for former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
Carlson called him the “Propogandist in Chief” which might be harsh, but Meacham has the background that lends credibility to the worst of President Biden’s pronouncements, and there are plenty of thinking people who could be influenced by it. That should be concerning.