Greg Robleto
Creative leader: 🎨 Design, 🎯 Brand, 📦 Product, 🖥️ Technology
1y ago
So, you're trying to learn Design, here's the best way to get started
Greg Robleto

Take a class on Udemy or join a BootCamp to get a certification. Structured learning, whether online or in a classroom, is a great way to gain knowledge, mentors, a community, and confidence. However, if I was still looking for more independent means of growing as a designer, here are some approaches.

  • 📚 Read: For understanding the user, Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug. For starting to shape user interfaces, Practical UI (self-published ebook) by Ahdam Dunnaway, get you a solid base understanding and actionable ideas to put to use.

  • 📺 Watch: YouTube can provide targeted solutions like Kevin Powell for CSS or Ania Kubow for coding. For broader design, I subscribe to CharliMarieTV.

  • 🎧 Listen: To get immersed in Design Better and UI Breakfast are top of my list. Also, a bit more code-centric, the Ladybug podcast is impactful.

  • ✉️ Subscribe: Get design in your Inbox with email subscriptions to Smashing Magazine, UX Weekly, Sidebar, or any of a myriad of Substacks

  • 🏁 Begin: The best way to gain mastery is to get in the game. The 100 Days of Design Challenges is a direct way to start honing your skills daily.

And share those designs and your thoughts on sites like Twitter, Medium,, Dribbble, or Instagram. There is a community of designers ready to support you, including me. Reach out and let me know where you are on your design journey.


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