Rod Aparicio
I send out a short daily ✉️ w/ 1 tip, question, or belief-challenge to help you think about “What Could Be” (instead of “What Is”). 👉
1y ago
Self- v. Others-Focused
Rod Aparicio

What's your focus gap? Where are you focusing your efforts on your comms and messaging?

Here's a self-audit to start seeing where's your focus.

Something VERY important: It’s a spectrum —it’s totally ok to be somewhere in between. The idea is for you to identify where you are.

Think of it as a dial. Wherever you are, you can regulate and adapt your messaging to a new state. :)

Language Do you use your language or your client's?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Voice Do you sound like "you" in real life or are you trying to sound smart?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Jargon Full of words only you and your peers understand? (You can use jargon that your clients use AND understand → their language)

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Complexity Is it simple or complex to understand what you're talking about?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Fluffy-ness Says everything and nothing at the same time: we offer solutions, experiences, customer-centric and so on.

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Hardness Focused on numbers with no context 9863556 visitors, 500% increase...

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Interchangeability Do you sound like everybody else in your field?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Focused on the inputs Time, the work to be done, resources you'll use

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Focused on the outputs What you'll deliver, set of features, the execution

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

Focused on the outcomes What's the transformation, new state you help achieve?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

So what? Does any statement you have answer this question and brings clarity or does it sound like you're not that special snowflake?

SELF •------------------------------------------------• OTHERS

3 resources you might find interesting re: comms and messaging by friends of the list and daily-emailers



w/ Jonathan Stark & Rochelle Moulton (podcast ep.)

Let me know how I can help. :)
