Re: "What do you know about diving?"

Yesterday's question was about what you know about diving.

A couple of answers were interesting:

"Well, I guess I know that if you come up too fast you get something called the bends which is a painful and life-threatening condition involving air bubbles in your blood stream." J. Stark

"I know nothing, and it terrifies me. shudder"" J. Turner

If you were asked "What do you know about business?" before going into your solo/entrepreneur journey, there's a high chance the answers would be pretty similar.

As in "Well, I guess I know that if you don't get any customers or sales fast you get something called bankruptcy which is a painful and life-threatening condition involving not paying the bills and not eating." XD


Because, it involves the unknown. It involves risk. And it involves facing your fears.

So, what do diving and business have in common?

That only making that first jump into the unknown, having the right support and being clear of mind will lead you to a new world, where you'll see the unseen.

  • Dealing with the unknown → How to be prepared on scenarios.

  • Involves risks → How real, realistic and close to happen are they?

  • Facing your fears → Am I really doing this? I am really doing this.

Here's the thing.

The way you decide to process all these impressions is on you. You only know what you know and can only control the controllables. Yet, being aware of what's coming, gives you an edge.

And just like diving, once below water —thinking you might drown— you discover a new world that changes you forever.

PS. The bends is not air bubbles. It's nitrogen trapped and expanded in your body. When you go up fast, your body is not able to process it quick enough, so, with less pressure, it expands in your tissue. What do you do to prevent the bends? Stay tuned and I'll tell you tomo.


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