Life bends your way!
Sankar Ganesh Arumugamangalam Nellaivinayagam

Connect your life to games, and it simply works!

Say you lost in the game, there's an another game always. Every day is a new game and you can strategise them to reach your goals. Suppose you're playing football couple of kicks didn't work, you will definitely try to hit the third one on the right spot. Couple of failures doesn't matter to you when you finally make it, and this even shapes you to become a great player.

You remember the past

To not repeat the same mistake and make a win now

You try it differently

To find a new way to not lose it out

You look beyond mistakes

So you not go out of control

You look for positives

So you never miss to play your game

Your thirst to win

So there's interest and hope to continue the game

There's grandeur in this view of life. Bring it up to the top of lines.


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