If seeing is believing, you'll believe in your ability to design.
In SketchUp, you create in a 3D environment at a real scale. This is a practical solution that I like to call the WYSWIG reality interface. To use its full potential, you need to move efficiently in the virtual space.
See your kitchen from a bird's eye view.
Viewing a project in 3D is not always the best solution. Fortunately, in SketchUp, it's much easier to see a 2D view than it is to fly.
Open the "Scenes" panel in the bar on the right - the film clapboard icon,
select "Parallel Projection" - that's the bottom one of the two cubes,
select "Top View" - that's the top view of the house roof, the middle icon
Congratulations! You have just started to create a technical drawing.
Does your mouse have 3 buttons?
But is your view also half obscured by the side panel?
To effectively control a view, your mouse must have a scroll wheel. This is the third button that lets you control what you see. Hide the side panel with the arrow in the upper right corner, then:
Use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out.
Press and drag the scroll button to circle your model
Press and drag the scroll button and the left mouse button simultaneously to pan your view.
Grab it like a pro.
If, like me, you have only ever used your index finger to scroll and LMB, it may take you a little longer to get used to it. The best way to start is by holding the mouse like this:
Thumb and pinky at the sides holding the mouse,
index finger on the left button,
middle finger on the scroll wheel,
ring finger on the right button.
Is that unusual for you, too? You'll get used to it in no time.