Steve Crewe
Father of two boys, Life-Long Techie, exploring self-development, forex trading, sharing my Crypto/NFT journey and anything that takes my fancy!
3y ago
How I Use KeywordsEverywhere To Seed The Endless Idea Generator To Test My Ideas Before Creating Content
Steve Crewe

KeywordsEverywhere is an extremely powerful tool, easy to use, and pretty damn cheap, with a chrome extension.

For $10 you can buy 100,000 credits, with 1 credit used per keyword. For each keyword, it reports the following data:

  • Number of searches / month

  • Cost per click for advertising campaigns

  • Competition rating

In a nutshell, you're looking to find keywords with high volume and low competition. But, high volume with very low competition is NOT good. Very low competition can mean a gold mine, but more likely to be an unprofitable niche.

How I use KeywordsEverywhere to Seed the Endless Idea Generator

Forex Trading is one of my content buckets. I know a fair bit about it, but it’s a very broad niche to write about. I’m a big fan of systems and automation where possible to save time and Google can give me prompts when I enter that seed keyword into the search bar.

  • With KeywordsEveryWhere enabled in the browser, I type "forex trading" in the search bar followed by the letter “a”; so “forex trading a”

  • Google returns the top ten search keywords starting with “forex trading a”

  • I look for keywords/phrases with good volume and low competition

  • If anything syncs up with my knowledge and stimulates an idea, I add it to my ideas Log.

  • I repeat for the whole alphabet (”forex trading b”, “forex trading c” etc.)

At the end of the exercise, I have a load of ideas to put through the Endless Idea Generator to generate that catchy headline.

If you haven’t tried it yet, and you're stuck for ideas, give KeywordsEverywhere a try... it may surprise you what people search for.


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