Average ratings are useless for picking up your next read.
After reading 100s of books, I realized that the same book can be a life-changer for someone but a skippable one for someone else. Everyone is different. Recommendations have to be personalized!
A book I rated 5 stars might only get 3 from me if I rate it now.
The rating depends what have I already consumed, what am I currently looking for, personality, etc. Selecting your next book is underrated. It’s a commitment of hours of deep work after all.
A book has to be read at the right time.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a great book. But if you read Getting Things Done and Nonviolent Communication before, there’s not a lot of new epiphanies. It's a good refresher.
Just finished a book?
A good way to get further reading recommendations is to get in touch with people who have read the same book. Ask them to name a better book than that. Shortcircuit your journey.
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