If I could go back in time, these are the 7 things I wish I knew about becoming Unconquerable.

(It would have saved me a lot of wasted time and effort.)

1. The Importance of Identity

I had placed a lot of importance in Identities that really made me look past things that would later come to hurt me. When I learned that certain identities could be changed, I was able to move through challenges more quickly.

2. How to Breathe

I've done sports all of my life, yet never really learned how to breathe. There are ways to use your breath to relax yourself, increase your immune system, and so much more that if I had known I could have prepared my body better.

3. Fixing the Nervous System

I've come to learn that in my younger life, my nervous system was a mess and it impacted many aspects of my life. If I could've fixed my nervous system then, I could have had much less anxiety in my life.

4. Creating Support Systems

Your support systems can make or break you, and I've had times in my life where my support systems really left me broken. If I had understood what a good support system actually looked like, I would have had an easier time with challenges.

5. The Power of Habits

I've had habits that really served me in life, and habits that really set me back. If I could have seen where certain habits would lead, I could've changed them sooner.

6. Seeing Through Words

I had quite a few people in my life who were smooth talkers, who said things I wanted to believe. If I had been able to see the other evidence then I could have avoided a lot of pain.

7. Theory vs. Practice

There are a lot of things in life where the Theory makes perfect sense, but when Practiced it simply doesn't work the way you thought - and often it ends up doing the opposite. Knowing the power of practice would have led me to discovering things how things really worked in life.


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