The Work-Life Balance Conundrum And How Leaders Can Gain The Best Of Both Worlds
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Over the past decade, the idea of a "Work-Life Balance" is something more leaders demand.

However, most leaders don't actually get what they want. Why is that? What is preventing them from having this "balance"?

There are many reasons, however there is an easy solution to gaining what leaders are looking for.

First, Know The Truth

The first thing you must realize is that there is no such thing as "balance".

The idea that you can have a "perfect balance" is a complete falsehood. Some things will demand more time at specific times, and vice-versa will occur at other times. There is no "balance", there is only "balancing".

It is an intentional act that requires spending the right amount of time on one thing, then "counter-balancing" to spend the right amount of time with another thing.

So, with this understanding, we can begin to look at gaining what we want.

Gain More Time

The key to gaining more time is understanding the value of tasks.

One of the reasons we spend too much time at work is that we don't understand the value of the tasks we do. When we don't know the value, we have a natural tendency to "try to get as much done as possible". This leads to doing the easiest, and least valuable, work because we "feel" like we get more done.

To overcome this, we first need to understand what tasks are the most valuable and create the greatest results, and ONLY focus on those items.

You'll find the other tasks don't actually need to be done, and you will find more time available to you.

No More Guilt

Another thing we seek is to stop feeling guilt, and when we understand the value of different tasks, we no longer will have guilt.

We often put value in the wrong things, which are actually valueless, and this prevents us from utilizing time in beneficial ways. For instance, working for "8 hours" is a worthless measure of success. When you look at what creates a real measure of success "results", you will find it takes significantly less time to achieve.

Instead of wasting 8 hours on things that have no value, you can instead spend 4 hours (sometimes less) getting actual results, leaving more than enough time to do other things that are important in your life.

When you get the value correct, there is no guilt because results are really what matters.

Defeating Social Pressure

A common reason we view work the way we do is that our society has told us that this is what "success" looks like.

They say that we need to work 8 hours a day (or more) and that we need to treat everything we do with the same importance. It's a trained belief that started in grade school. It's not our fault we were trained that way.

However, results mean MORE than how things "should be done", and when you get the results needed (or MORE because you understand value), you prove that the social norm is broken.

When you produce higher results than everyone around you, you begin to be able to shape how you want to work, because you become too valuable to lose.

Relieving Financial Stress

Many leaders work to dizzying degrees because it's the only way they know how to make enough income to support the lives they want/want to provide.

To do all the things we want, have all the experiences we want, and provide a life that is good, requires a lot of money. However, leaders often think that more time = more money. This is the wrong way to think.

More results = more money, and when you understand this you can demand more income.

With higher results, you can demand more pay because you are too valuable to lose, or you will more easily be able to find opportunities that will pay you for the types of results you create and will pay you on your terms.

Greater Health and Wellness

This is the final piece of what leaders desire.

This too is discovered in understanding where results are obtained. Focusing on getting results leads to many health and wellness benefits. It creates less stress, gets you into flow states more often (which have incredible benefits), creates a better appreciation for your work, and will bring more gratitude into your life.

The combination of these, along with less time spent on useless work and more power over your schedule and pay, will allow you to have the health and wellness you desire.

At the end of the day, leaders need to understand TRUE value in their work to gain what they desire.


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