This Common Remote and Hybrid Work Strategy Only Proves Incompetent Leadership And Completely Prevents The Highest Levels Of Success
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

It has become far more common in recent times to accept Remote and Hybrid Work.

Of course, not everyone is on board, but it does appear to be a growing trend as Leaders fail to convince employees to return.

As this becomes more common, Leaders need to be aware that there are tactics that will scientifically prevent you from attaining success with your teams.

The most common strategy Leaders use is driven by fear.

What Tactic Is Being Pushed Due To Fear?

The biggest question that Leaders are asking is, "What are employees doing if they aren't in the office?"

This leads to all forms of fear around what they do at home.

Are they just watching Netflix the entire time?

Are they doing any work at all?

Are they just collecting a paycheck and wasting everyone's time?

These questions, of course, are valid but have led to a decision that has and will always backfire.

It has led to the widespread adoption of monitoring employees.

From requiring employees to be on camera constantly, to tracking their website usage, even monitoring their keystrokes.

However, this is a terrible tactic that does not work.

How It Proves Ineffective Leadership

There are many ways that Leaders are shown to be completely ineffective in their roles when utilizing this tactic.

➼ Complete Waste of Leader's Time

Leaders should be tackling the biggest problems for their teams while pushing the goals of the company forward.

Ideally, they should be spending at least 50% of their time creating solutions to the largest problems.

However, Leaders that monitor their employees are spending 50% of their time watching them.

This literally accomplishes nothing for the organization, it creates a 0% return from the Leader's time, and it creates a negative overall return as we'll get into shortly.

➼ Proves Leader Doesn't Understand Teams' Responsibilities

Leaders should have an understanding of the responsibilities of all of their team members.

With this understanding, they should also understand what those team members are responsible for achieving on any day of the week.

They should have an understanding of how long certain projects should take, what types of time commitments are required, and how many people need to be dedicated to getting a result.

This should allow a good Leader to understand how much work to give and not give their team in order to fill their days.

If you know what results they should be getting, then you should very easily be able to see if the team is actually doing work or not by whether they get those results.

If you need to watch your employees like a hawk to see if they are working, then you obviously have no idea what they should accomplish in their days.

➼ Shows A Lack Of Trust

Part of a Leader's responsibility is to create trust with their team.

This trust is an essential component of effective Leadership.

However, watching employees, and tracking their keyboard strokes and computer usage, prove that you don't and never will trust them.

This will only create more problems for Leaders.

➼ Tracking Wrong Metrics

This ties in closely with not understanding responsibilities, but it's a secondary issue.

Whether an employee is at their computer at home is a "vanity" metric.

It has zero influence over whether they get results or not, but it "looks good" knowing employees are at their computers.

However, it's also an extremely easy metric to fake and has been abused by "bad" employees already.

Instead of "catching" bad employees, it has just empowered them to focus on what "looks" good, while creating real issues for the best employees.

So now the "bad" employees get recognized for vanity metrics, while the organization loses employees that get real results.

➼ Prevents A Culture Of Safety

In order for organizations to thrive, employees must feel safe in order to express the best version of themselves.

But by utilizing this tactic, Leaders end up transferring their fear onto their employees.

This fear directly creates all forms of downstream impacts that prevent Leaders from helping their teams succeed.

How It Prevents The Highest Levels of Success

On top of showing how Ineffective a Leader is, it also prevents teams from attaining the highest levels of success.

Specifically, it prevents Flow States, which is where people do their best work, and feel their best.

In fact, Flow States have been shown to 5x productivity - which means what takes most people a workweek to complete, a person in Flow could accomplish in a day.

Everything about monitoring in these ways prevents Flow States.

➼ Lack of Safety

As I mentioned before, Leaders who do this transmit their fear to their employees, creating a lack of Safety.

These employees then become Dis-Stressed due to their Leader's fears.

Dis-Stress itself automatically prevents Flow States.

It also causes other issues, especially as Dis-Stress becomes Chronic, including literal sickness.

This lack of Safety also leads to a lack of Loyalty.

When an employee is not loyal, you can only expect them to do the minimum amount of work to keep their jobs, and they'll never do more than that.

This ends up destroying productivity in multiple ways.

➼ Destroys Teamwork

These same Dis-Stresses also prevent Teamwork.

When we are afraid, our bodies naturally go into self-preservation mode.

However, this same self-preservation mode restricts our brains' ability to coordinate with others.

Not only does this prevent Flow States for Individuals, but further makes it impossible to achieve Group Flow States, which is where we gain the absolute highest levels of productivity and dedication to an organization.

When we don't create Group Flow States, our employees at best become mercenaries that will leave as soon as they get a better offer.

➼ Destroys Creativity

Along with the above problems, being in Dis-Stress prevents our brains from thinking creatively.

This means that, at best, we can only come up with solutions that already exist to problems.

However, if we still have those problems, the solutions we already have are ineffective at actually solving said problems.

Without creativity, we end up living the definition of insanity - doing the same things and expecting different results.

Without Creativity, we remain stagnant as organizations or worse nosedive into oblivion.

➼ Lack of Novelty

By limiting what people can and can't do during the day, we prevent Novelty.

Novelty is a huge aspect of Flow States.

It makes people more interested in their work and keeps them desiring to try new things and attempt new angles.

Plus, most of the greatest innovations came from aspects of different industries being combined together.

However, by restricting access to things, you also restrict access to novelty, and this makes it nearly impossible to innovate.

➼ Bluelight Damage

When you are forced to stare at computer screens, you create Bluelight damage.

This is becoming a larger issue and causes tons of problems.

Including decreased productivity.

However, it also increases medical expenses and is becoming a leading cause of headaches, not to mention causing Vitamin A and Vitamin D deficiencies and problems.

This also has been shown to create a "zombie" effect, where employees are looking at a screen, but aren't really aware of what they are doing.

➼ Lack of Cycles

Flow States always work in cycles.

Typically they go from 50-90 minutes and then require a 10-30 minute "off" or "rest" period.

This "off" period is exceptionally important.

Without it, you literally become unable to access more Flow states.

It also leads to faster energy depletions, making employees ineffective faster.

It has also been shown to prevent Recovery after work, leading to continued ineffectiveness the next workday.

➼ Lack of Movement

By forcing employees to sit at a computer all day, you are also creating a more sedentary lifestyle.

Science has been showing that a sedentary lifestyle is as bad for our health as smoking.

This also leads to our brains working less efficiently.

There is some amazing research that is showing the effectiveness of our thinking is closely related to the effectiveness, quality, and amount of our movement.

Without allowing for quality movement, not only are you essentially creating a team of chain-smokers, but you are also literally making your team dumber.

➼ Creates Active Disengagement

One final point, people like to feel autonomous.

It is an essential aspect of Flow States.

However, when you constantly are watching your team, you prevent them from acting autonomously.

This leads to them feeling resentment.

When this resentment grows, which it always will, it ends up creating Active Disengagement on your team.

This means employees are actively working against the goals of the team.

The team will begin to experience setbacks constantly, and it will also dissuade good employees from wanting to be a part of your team.

Final Takeaway

Don't fall into this trap.

Forcing employees into a monitoring state may lessen your immediate fears about if they are working or not, but it only creates more problems.

Instead of allowing fear to control you and your team, take time to actually learn what your team is responsible to achieve.

Hold them responsible for achieving results, not vanity metrics on how they get to those results.

Don't push them into lifestyles that create sickness and stress.

Allow them access to the opportunities that will create Flow.

Focus on how to improve your team and figure out ways to create Group Flow.


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