Great quotes about education and learning.
School shouldn't be something you get through.
It should be something that's there that affirms who you are, helps to build a world view that sets you on a path to thrive in whatever way is meaningful to you.
We're not preparing students for a standardised world.
A lot of the ways we built our education system was to respond to an industrial era that doesn't exist anymore.
Inquiry-based and project-based models to connect what's happening in their lives to what they're learning in the classroom.
What are we preparing young people for in school?
A world where these challenges are interconnected, interdependent, super complex, super nuanced, and we can't solve them by ourselves.
It's an opportunity to look at K12 and think about how we're building those competencies in a way that helps all kids be ready for that kind of discourse and that kind of problem solving.
Rote memorisation is certainly not going to get you there.
Flexibility and adaptability and the ability to live in ambiguity, uncertainty and change.... and figure out how to navigate that... is antithetical to how school was set up where there's a right answer and a wrong answer.
All quotes here by Dana Mortenson @DLCMSavvy, co-founder of World Savvy
'Rethinking school and how children grow up', part of the Welcome Change series by @Ashoka