2y ago
3 Tips For Dealing With Too Much Email In Your Corporate Job And Staying Sane
Truman Baker

If you have a corporate job, you probably are overwhelmed with email.

Sometimes, it's difficult to filter out the really important message among the deluge of keeping-you-in-the-loop, marketing, and spam emails. Even though direct messaging apps like Slack can sometimes replace email, it remains the main communication method in the corporate world. For that reason, you must find ways to deal with email without going insane.

Here are 3 techniques I have been using for over 10 years:

Turn off all notifications

Although many emails contain important information, very few are really urgent.

People usually opt for a phone call or a chat message to solve a truly urgent problem. Use this to your advantage and avoid reacting to every incoming message by turning off all visual or audio notifications. That way, you can check your inbox when you decide to do it and batch-process your email.

Set up automation and filters

Most emails you receive don't require your answer and are for your information or future reference.

It is best to get such emails out of the way automatically. Your focus should be on actionable messages. Use automation and filters to automatically sort less important messages in folders that you can refer to only when necessary.

To get fewer emails, send fewer

The more emails you answer, the more emails you receive.

Ask yourself if it is the right medium to deal with an issue. Avoid lengthy back-and-forth conversations over email. Opt for a phone call or a face-to-face conversation instead.

Email can be a blessing and a course. Like with most tools, how you use it decides its utility. Use these 3 tips to get the most out of this amazing technology.


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