tracy winchell
Avid Reader | Recovering PKM Enthusiast | Age 50+ ADHD | Ghostwriter | Lifelong Arkansan
1y ago
A 5-step process for using a notes app as a day-long "back of the napkin" interstitial journal
tracy winchell

My Drafts app inbox is a multi-faceted interstitial journal that serves as a paper napkin.

  1. At the end of the day, I review all my scribbles.

  2. "Keepable" thoughts are routed to a daily log in Bear 2.0 (beta)

  3. GPT-3 summarizes the entirety of my digital napkin.

  4. Actionable items move to iOS Reminders using PopClip.

  5. Screenshots and images are dragged into Bear (instructive) or Day One (memorable).

Consciously writing notes to my Future Self helps me gain or maintain clarity on longer-term projects and objectives.


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